Friday, November 20, 2009

Windows Updates Not Installing.?

I Have Windows XP SP2. And Recently, Every 5 to 10mins, i have been getting more windows updates downloading. (which it does fine) But Then After TRYING to install, it comes up with

'Sorry, some updates cannot be installed.'

and The ones which cannot be installed are all of them which have been downloaded.

Any help / Ideas?

PS: I have Mcafee Suite 2007

Windows Updates Not Installing.?windows xp sp2

If you look in your Windows folder there is a log file called Windowsupdate (or similar, I don't remember exactly). If you view the contents it will almost certainly display the specific error code that is generated when the installation fails. Doing a search on this error code will usually identify the root cause of the problem.

By the way, some of the other answers are just plain silly.

Windows Updates Not Installing.?microsoft sql server internet explorer

Configure your firewall to accept windows up dates.Do not switch it off.
Possibly your install of windows is not genuine....

If you bought it from a shop, it is very likely that your machines OEM key was one of a number that was supplied and installed on multiple systems...

This means in leymans terms, you have to buy Microsoft Windows and install it.
I don't think it is a Virus. Probally Windows is Corrupted.

I reccomend reinstalling.

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