Friday, November 20, 2009

Windows freeze at restart screen - windows restarted.?

i'v restarted windows with windows Xp Sp2 genuane cd and it freezes at the load screen. I also have illegal windows xp witch instals fine. what is goin onnnnnnnnnn?

Windows freeze at restart screen - windows restarted.?microsoft office

If you did not have it format your system prior to installing then that could be the issue. If you did then you might have...

1) a bad install form the CD, check that there are no scratches on it, and if there are a few, I recommend a furniture polish in a can, preferably with a "wax" base listed in the ingredients

2) a virus that is still remaining in the boot sector

3) a hard drive failure, or other hardware failure

Windows freeze at restart screen - windows restarted.?opera browser internet explorer

This mean microsoft have found u out an u will recive a letter in the post for ur court date

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