Friday, November 20, 2009

My Windows updates are not getting installed. What to do??

Although updates for my Windows XP OS are getting downloaded, they are not getting installed. I've Windows XP SP2 with 1 GB RAM.

My Windows updates are not getting installed. What to do??microsoft word

look in the update options in the control panel, maybe you haven't enabled the automatically download %26amp; install updates,

it must be 'download the updates automatically but dont install them' if this item is selected, please select the former option (i.e. automatically dwld %26amp; install the updates)


If while booting your system, if the genuine windows message is displayed, updates won't be installed. You will need to purchase genuine copy of windows.

My Windows updates are not getting installed. What to do??windows movie maker internet explorer

If you have a pirated copy of windows, you cannot install updates.

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