Friday, November 20, 2009

Windows defender stopping?

Windows defender stops on

c:\System Volume Information\MountPointManagerRemoteDatab...

I have Windows XP, SP2.

I have tried uninstalling, rebooting, then re-installing, no good.

I tried disabling system restore, but it still fails.

Windows defender stopping?microsoft zune


Windows defender stopping?windows nt internet explorer

open task manager

and processes tab

and then click on "MSASCui" and press "end process

prb solve
windows defender is junk,,,,get rid of it,,,,,,,,,,,

before mirosuc bought defender,, it was the best anti-spyware

now junk
mine never worked right, I got rid of it!! And I'm even on Vista now, still doesn't work! Of course vista has it's own things to work out. Especially if you don't get enough RAM I get 3GB now it's doing fine.

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