Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Windows asks for SP2 disc?

When I bought my computer, it came with XP SP2 disc already installed. Recently, I've been having trouble with installing iTunes, I've been getting an error that says something is wrong with the Windows Installer.

So I found a solution page on the microsoft website, and after trying the first solution, and it didn't work, so I tried the second solution, it had me run something in the comand prompt, but when running one of the commands, it asks for me to put in the SP2 disc....It wants something about the DLL Cache.

I wouldn't have any problem with that but since my computer came with XP SP2 didn't come with a disc for it...

What do I do?

Windows asks for SP2 disc?microsoft word 2003

Check your c: drive to see if you have an i386 directory. This directory is normally used as the source file instead of the CD.


Windows asks for SP2 disc?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

If you have a XP Media Center PC, try this...

With my XP Media Center computer, the second installation disc was sometimes referred to as the "XP SP2" disc (sometimes it was called something else). Try locating that CD, and popping it in the machine.
If you felt an original program was installed in it....take it to nearby Microsoft Office! The steps you undertook seemed seemed like a "modus operandi" of illegal,pirated products being installed by street technicians. I tried getting a complimentary copy of the real sp2....Microsoft seemed to demand the impossible...they were expecting their customers to be most observant!!!! They were expecting their customers to be "scientists" in scrutinizing every security detail that they have put into their "genuine" stuff!!!! Going against the pirates is suicide...they are well connected syndicates.......they are violent.......and they have perfectly functioning legal teams ready to bail them out in case of trouble. Don't be a hero......for a greedy judgmental company.......!!! Try to gain friends in the underground computer scene and take time to inquire.....before acting on related computer woes.!!!.

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