OK...Well, I don't know if I have Windows XP SP2 is there a way to tell if you have it? When I go onto the Microsoft Update it says there are no high priority or optional updates. When I clicked on a link about SP2 it just took me to the Microsoft thing where it checks if I have all of the latest updates and again it said there were no updates. So do I have Windows XP Service Pack 2 or not?
Win. XP Service Pack 2?internet explorer 7
Right click on 'my computer' and go to properties. It will say what service pack you have on the screen that pops up.
Win. XP Service Pack 2?microsoft word internet explorer
If it says you are up to date, then you have SP2.
Also can check - CONTROL PANEL - ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS. If you have it, it will be listed.
Yes, you do.
you should have it, and if not have ya tried going back to the microsoft site to download the xp service pack 2, and thats another way it will tell ya if ya already have it or not
Right click on "my computer" icon and then look under the "general" tab then look for "system" it should be there about 3 lines down.
go to my computers and right click and see what version of xp you have,here you will get everyinformation at same if system is not compatiable with the version then also sometime it say no updates available.
It is sorry that all the information given here is not totally correct, except I thank to the friend 'Yahoo Services' with his answer. It's correct if your Windows XP was upgraded from Service Pack 1 series (SP1 or SP1a) or no service pack was available before.
To know if you are using a Windows XP SP2, you need to perform this: Open any folder window, click on the 'Help' menu and select item 'About Windows'. Please look carefully at the version info string, it must have the word similar to 'Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 : Service Pack 2'.
Also, with these same steps, check Internet Explorer and/or Outlook Express's version number.
Notes that the version number may be a bit different, it depends on what kind of product license you have %26amp; how you receive the SP2 update for Windows XP.
Another step you should perform is: from Start Menu opens up Help and Support Center program. On the search box just type the keyword "SP2" and you should get the result on working with Windows XP SP2 features. These topics are:
1.What's new for security
2.What's new in Windows XP: Frequently Asked Questions
A user cannot trust on System Properties panel's info, those information can be illegally modified.
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