Sunday, April 25, 2010

If i clear the cmos battery i can recover the xp pro sp2 adddminsitrator password?

if i clear the cmos battery of my pc i can recover the window xp pro sp2 adddminsitrator password

If i clear the cmos battery i can recover the xp pro sp2 adddminsitrator password?windows mobile

To recover th administrator password requires special software and either a reinstall or thrid party access through software. You can do some searching at and come up with their basic information. but i also know it can be done with erd commander and fairly easily

If i clear the cmos battery i can recover the xp pro sp2 adddminsitrator password?safari browser internet explorer

Removing CMOS battery will only reset the BIOS and BIOS password.

XP admin password is stored in hard drive and you need special software or OS installation discs to reset it.
that will defiently NOT do it... that is to clear a BIOS password
NO. the complementary metal Oxide battery works on the Bios and the mother board

not the hard drive

go to google and type administrator password recovery
No, clearing the CMOS battery will only clear the BIOS password. It will not effect anything on the hard disk such as software passwords including those used by the operating system.

If you can get the .SAM file off the hard disk which holds all the Windows passwords, you should be able to run L0phtCrack against the file to perform a brute force attack.

If you believe that the password is complex, i.e includes numbers and symbols, also consider downloading a set of rainbow tables to speed up the attack.
No. You will only change the setup configs.
Google this. "sourceforge rainbow tables" you'll find a way to make a live CD %26amp; do what you need

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